Sunday, May 17, 2009

Faster than a speeding bullet

It was nice to travel directly from Washington, D.C. to Johannesburg, but this year that didn't happen.  There were several passengers who disembarked in Senegal and new passengers came on.  Although our flight was a little bumpy, the worst part is the sheer boredom of being locked inside a bullet shaped apparatus, hurtling through the night skies at over 600 miles an hour.

I watched "Australia" and a couple of other movies and thanks to a nice little pill (very legal) I was able to sleep for about 6 of the hours after taking off from Senegal.

It is rather cool here in Tlokweng, not cold....just cool.  It is winter but the daytimes are generally warm and sunny.

Jet lag is a definite problem right now.  Aaron is lying on the bed snoring away and I'm desperately trying to stay awake.  Sleep may win unless I can keep moving.

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